Adventure may hurt you but


New trailers features!

Author | August 20, 2016

Well, it looks like you love having trailers in Plex! Thanks so much for all the kind words and great feedback. We’re thrilled to bring you some most excellent enhancements, less than two weeks after our original launch of the feature. Let’s dive in and explore the new stuff! First of all, we’ve massively improved our algorithm for picking appropriate and related trailers when using Cinema Trailers. We now take content rating into account for both library and “new and upcoming” trailers, so your kids won’t be subjected to an R-rated trailer before The Little Mermaid, for example. You also have complete control over where your Cinema Mode trailers come from—you can even pick multiple sources!

Many of you also requested better localization, and we’re happy to report that “new and upcoming” trailers are now also chosen based on your library language whenever possible.

Next up, by popular request, you can now automatically get “red band” (restricted audiences) trailers for your R- and NC-17-rated movies when available. You can find this preference in the agent settings, and you’ll need to force refresh your library to get those trailers.

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